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Beginning in Earnest

Three weeks ago I traded in my day job to accept a full time position with BWF as Agrarian. So now it begins in earnest shaping these 40 acres into their full potential as a viable farm.  The initial efforts will center on improving access and building the foundation of corrals, fencing, water and pasture to support a grass fed beef  effort.  Hope to get enough done this dry season to set up for possibly overwintering some cattle to get started and having everything ready to go for a full effort next spring. All this along with hopefully getting a buckwheat honey harvest later this summer and of course harvesting the garlic crop and planting next year’s crop as well.  Lots to do, we’ll keep you posted on the peaks and valleys of the process so if you’re interested please check back regularly. It will be interesting…



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OK, so it's true we haven't updated our BWF website for quite sometime, but the truth is we don't use this site at the moment.

We don't grow garlic anymore, but we do sell farm fresh Backwater eggs, stewing hens, boiler chickens, honey, way killer good jellies and jams, produce when seasonal, and grass fed/grass finished finished GMO/hormone/antibiotic free black angus beef by the whole, half, quarter, etc.

And we even now have a farm store/gallery open Saturdays from 12 PM-4 PM carrying all these Hands On, Done Right, Proud of It goodies and more. And we have some of best of the best retail sites like the Astoria Food Co-op & Patty Cakes Cafe and Roasting here in Cathlamet. So the best way to reach us is to swing by 320 E. Birnie Slough Road in Cathlamet, WA 98612 one of these Saturdays, head to the Co-op or Patty's, or simply follow us on Facebook.

As for here, it's going to nap bit longer.

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